Nioh Wiki

London is a Region in Nioh.


At the end of the 16th century, England and Spain are locked in a struggle for control of the world. Eventually, they come to learn of the existence of special stones known as Amrita, which contain a unique spiritual power that can mean the difference between victory and defeat.


William finds himself locked away in a dungeon cell located beneath the Tower of London. Suddenly, the Guardian Spirit Saoirse appears to warn him of danger, setting in motion a chain of events that take him on an ill-fated adventure.

William defeats Derrick the Executioner, but is immediately confronted by the alchemist Edward Kelley. Using the power of the Amrita to perform his mystical arts, Kelley resurrects Derrick and commands him to attack. Drawing upon the power of Saoirse, William is able to defeat the demonic Derrick for a second time, however, in the confusion, Saoirse is taken prisoner by Kelley. Unarmed and finding himself trapped by the tower guards, William leaps from the Tower of London into the icy water of the Thames below.

William sets out after Kelley in order to rescue Saoirse. Once aboard the Dutch merchant ship Liefde, he follows a mystical compass that contains a faint trace of Saoirse's power. After a journey spanning multiple years, William finds himself in a faraway land to the East known as Japan.

The country of Japan finds itself in ruins, as endless wars have led to the land being overrun by malevolent demons, the Yokai. The land is divided into two factions by the Battle of Sekihagara.

Under the cover of darkness, a funeral is being held for Queen Elizabeth. William uses the Uroboros he obtained from after defeating Kelley to alter his appearance and infiltrate the Tower of London.

Prime Minister John Dee used the power of the Amrita to see across the world, causing him to be known as the Queen's Eye. After learning that William will never join him, Dee absorbs the Amrita that has been gathered from around the world, transforming into a giant monster Hundred Eyes. He loses his power after being cut down by William, and drops the Amrita globe on the floor. When William picks up the globe, he sees a vision of Japan at war and Hanzo in grave danger. Determined, William sets sail for Japan once more.

Main Missions[]

The Man with the Guardian Spirit
(Mission Level 1)
Mount Ibuki
  • No Rewards

The Queen's Eyes
(Mission Level 140)
Mount Ibuki
  • Book of Reincarnation x1
  • Large Soulstone x3
  • Gold 30,800
  • Amrita 70,776

